Best Online Quran Classes for Adults | Learn Anytime 24/7

 Al-Huda Quran, a leading Quran learning school, is known for its Quran classes for adults that are conducted by experienced tutors who teach with a step-by-step approach by making a structured plan for each student so that they can easily take out time from their social lives, track their progress and stay motivated throughout.

It’s never too late for adults to start learning the Quran as it is a never-ending journey. Besides the necessity to understand it for guidance while living among non-Muslims, adults also need to learn it to provide a very good base for their kids.

Adults face difficulty in finding a wholesome platform that could provide a very motivational environment and credible tutors to keep them connected to the Book of Allah.

Our 3 Main Quran Courses for Adults

Our Quran classes are mainly divided into 3 top courses:



1- Quran for Beginners

Quran for Beginners course is one of the starter courses for all the newbies to work on their basics and have comprehensive know-how of the Arabic language through Noorani Qaida.

2- Quran Tajweed Course

Our tajweed course for adults is a booster for all those who want to work on their Arabic accent and make it as natural as Arabs. This course helps you perfect your Quranic pronunciation and move on to the next course.

3- Hifz Course

You can Join our Hifz classes for adults after or meanwhile, you are learning Tajweed.  You will be helped to do Hifz through unique techniques never used before.

Outcomes of Our Online Quran Classes for Adults

All of our Quran classes are scheduled with some practical outcomes in mind that are mandatory to achieve in the course time.

1- After our basic Quran reading classes, you will have learned Arabic, starting from the alphabet’s pronunciation all the way to reading short sentences in Arabic fluently.

2- After the Tajweed classes you will have learned the proper Quranic accent, starting from the articulation points for the letter and ending on skillfully and easily reading short Surah with proper Tajweed.

3- After your memorization classes, you will have learned to do Hifz fast by learning some practical techniques. We can help you memorize a big portion of the whole Quran without forgetting it. 

Why do adults Learn Quran online with Al-Huda Quran? 

The flexibility of Time 24/7

You can schedule your classes anytime 24/7 without any difficulty as we have a bunch of qualified tutors that are available at different times to conduct the classes.

A bi-weekly Report for Students

We generate a report card after every two weeks in which we give a detailed summary of the course. This report card comprises 5 main categories which are:

  • Testing and reflection on the lesson.
  • Common errors to work on.
  • Evaluation of the lesson.
  • The behavior of the student.
  • Plan for the next 4 hours.
  • Evaluation and Certification.

All of our courses have an evaluation system where the teachers take tests every now and then via quizzes, riddles, oral questioning, etc. At the end of each course, the students are given a certificate that is signed by the supervisor and the teacher of that course.

Mind Mapping for Lessons

Using that effective teaching style definitely helps you to retain your lessons so easily. We can easily connect some Noorani Qaida and Tajweed topics to help you progress faster.

Motivational Learning Environment

You cannot learn to read Quran without working on your errors. So, the tutors keep an evaluation form with them which is filled in regularly and helps focus on the areas of improvement. 

Our Monthly Feedback Form Students

We provide a monthly feedback google form that bridges the gap between you and us. You can fill in the form and let us know about your concerns and views whether positive or negative. 

Best Certified and experienced Quran Tutors


We have a defined policy for hiring our Quran teachers. The traits we consider are listed below.

  • Native Arab male and female tutors.
  • Good command of the English language so they can teach students from the West.
  • Graduated from any renowned Islamic University in Quranic studies, and are Ijazah Certified too.
  • Have a 5-star rating and good reviews from clients if experienced in teaching.
  • They had over 5 years of teaching the Quran to adults and helped them memorize and recite Quran. 
  • Flexible in adapting teaching styles to engage each student in the class.

We do not hire straight away, rather make the candidates go through our series of interviews and tests. If you are a sister who wants to learn Quran with the best female teachers, check out our online Quran classes for ladies.

Our Tutors’ Innovative Style of Teaching

We appreciate our tutors for teaching the Quran with new methodologies like:

1- Use of PowerPoint slides.

2- Using mind maps

3- Quizzes and puzzles

4- Practice with examples from Mus-haf

5- Educational game

6- Playing audio and Video

Our other Best Tajweed and Hifz Courses Features

One-on-one Personalized Classes 

We provide you with a facility for a single-person class where you are the only one to attend a personalized class with 100% focus

Separate Female Teachers for Sisters

Our platform is enriched with qualified Female Quran tutors to make the courses like Hifz classes for ladies and Tajweed classes for sisters a totally different experience. 

Pocket-Friendly fee Package

We do not burden our students with any hidden charges. We have a very economical fee package starting just from $4. The prices of all the courses are kept minimum to be within reach of all. We offer discounts for families who enroll in our Quran classes. 

A Structured Plan to Learn Efficiently 

We will have to assess your reading, Hifz, and Tajweed level in the free trial classes first. Then, we can provide you with a personalized plan that covers the subjects you need to learn.

A highly-tailored plan is designed especially for our Hifz classes for adults, depending on how much they want to learn and how much time they are available. The assigned tutor discusses every minute detail with you and then shapes a planner that suits your main interests and needs. 

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